12. Staple on the underneath side. DO NOT MISS and staple your
Check to be sure there is a staple in the last position. It
is impossible to know if you ran out of staples.
13. Turn the Toggle back. Step on the foot pedal to release canvas.
Step off of foot pedal to place frame upside down with 1 loose
end toward you.
Removing the bulk in the corners...
14. Cut the excess canvas from the corner, ¼” from the edge in two
directions to remove a rectangle of extra fabric.
15. Tuck the edge of the canvas in. Fold
up the corner with no fabric sticking out.
and staple as before
16. Move sliders again to 1” inside this edge
of the frame, press the pedal, turn the canvas to face you…lower the
edge into the slot…pull the frame till it drops over the sliders, smooth
the canvas.
Release the foot pedal to clamp the canvas in position.
17. Put two staples on each end’s flap.
18. Tap any raised staple with a hammer.
19. Turn off the air compressor AND knob to release pressure.