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How Paul makes wooden frames:
 Making the Chop-Pt 1

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame

Start by making a sketch of : the picture size  the frame size.

For this 18X22 frame,  buy 8' moulding.

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame
Cut a +45 degree edge on one  end.

With the rabbit side up, place a ruler on the cut end.  Make a mark with a WASHABLE child's marker at 3/16ths past the 18" mark.

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame
Push the base-handle latch down. Rotate the saw base to -45 degrees.

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame
Turn on the Vacuum system which has been connected to the saw. Line up the mark---squeeze and pull down the saw-handle to cut

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame
NOW-return to the first end and cut off 1/16th inch! That leaves a length of 18 1/8" for  the 18" side.  Make 2. Repeat the process with the 22" side. Make 2.

GOTO      Thumbnailing the Chop-Pt 2