Buy Paul and Marilyn Peck Photography

Gallery 7


15 Northwest Nature Park Painterly Photos

Click on each picture for a LARGER view

Oregon Woodland digital art - path through flowers and trees in the woods   
©0079 The Path
Oregon Woodland digital art picture - leaves VERY textured
©0080 The Leaves
Oregon Woodland scene - brook, stream, creek VERY textured
©0081 The Brook

snow scene with tree; lovely Christmas Tree
©0082 Snow
Oregon Woodland photo - icicles frost ice
©0083 Ice
boat in snowstorm; monochrome
©0084 The Boat

Blue Heron in boat
©0085 The Heron
Pond stock photo - dragonfly close up
©0086 The Dragonfly
squirrel in a tree closeup
©0087 Squirrel in a Tree

Woodland forest floor; cedar tree and moss
©0088 Moss
Oregon Woodland digital art - mushrooms
©0089 Mushroom
Northwest nature park picture - canoe boat on pond with reeds
©0090 The Canoe

Woodland photo - shelf fungus on logs in forest
Oregon Woodland
©0091 Shelf Fungus
Nature photo to painting; Praying Mantis closeup
©0092 Praying Mantis
Northwest nature park picture - Jeri Peck Naturalist
©0093 The Naturalist

Woodland photo - Bridge over Nature Park Creek
Oregon Woodland
©1401 Nature Park Bridge

This Gallery is a collection of  many Oregon Woodland  Painterly Photos, made with computer special effects.   What can be seen there?  "The Boat" having floated from the shore on a winter day.  "The Heron" who owns the pond when spring returns.  "The Canoe" wrapped in chunky reeds.  A "Squirrel in a Tree", alert and watchful. 
 "The Naturalist"  busy at her work of study and caring for "Moss", "Mushrooms" and "Shelf Fungus". ..the meat of the forest floor.
           Visit Northwest nature park pictures in "Ice" and "Snow" or strolling down "The Path" in spring, "The Leaves" in fall or "The Brook" in imaginary time.
           For just a little while, one lives the life of a "Dragonfly"   struggles the climb of the "Praying Mantis"  and feels a connection with nature.

Each of these Woodland digital wall art pictures is
Two View
From a distance the prints seem quite real.
Walk closer and the computer effect becomes the dominant sense.

from "Digital Art Collections" Gallery 7...

Paul and Marilyn Peck
Strength in Perspective logo
P.O. Box 1333
Sherwood, Oregon

Copyright ©1997
Strength in Perspective
 All Rights Reserved

Last Updated 7-11-2023