Buy Paul and Marilyn Peck Photography

Gallery 2


13 Columbia River Pictures

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The Train Passing
Columbia River pictures
©0013 The Train Passing
The Train Reflections
Columbia River pictures
©0014 The Train Reflections
The Columbia Hills
Columbia River pictures ©0015 The Columbia Hills
Spring: Juniper Flat
Spring season ©0016
Juniper Flat
Summer: Barley Field
Summer season ©0017
Barley Field
Fall: Tygh Ridge
Fall season ©0018
Tygh Ridge
The Dalles Sunset
©0019 The Dalles
Maryhill Castle
Scenic Oregon
©0020 Maryhill Castle
They're Coming
Scenic Oregon
©0021They're Coming
White River Powerhouse
©0022 White River Powerhouse
Maupin Windmill
Windmill pictures
©0023 Maupin Windmill
White River Falls
Scenic Oregon
©0024 White River Falls
Scenic Oregon
©0009 Deer

This Gallery is Columbia River pictures - rich with "Train Reflections" , windmills, and all that scenic Oregon can produce. 
          The "Train Passing" reflects a memory of the race to establish  railroads in the west.  Sam Hill, boastful of winning that race,  dots  "The Columbia Hills"  with his home  "Maryhill Castle".
          "The Maupin Windmill" served many generations but ultimately, people relied on the "White River Powerhouse" .  It was the area's first hydropower generator built in 1902,  harnessing  energy from  "White River Falls".  Through transmutation, the powerlines began the cry "They're Coming" .
           Despite progress, the natural pleasures of  "The Dalles Sunset" and the rich colors of "Spring-Juniper Flat" , "Summer-Barley", and "Fall-Tygh Ridge" are still appreciated by man and  "Deer"  alike. 

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Paul and Marilyn Peck
Strength in Perspective logo
P.O. Box 1333
Sherwood, Oregon

Copyright 1995
Strength in Perspective
All Rights Reserved

Last Updated 7-11-2023