Buy Paul and Marilyn Peck Photography

Gallery 65


New Orleans - Mississippi River - Cypress Trees

Click on each picture for a LARGER view

Canal Streetcar in New Orleans
©1199 Canal Streetcar - New Orleans, Louisiana
The French Quarter in New Orleans
©1200 The French Quarter  New Orleans LA
Before the Gulf spill of 2010,
we journeyed through the elegant...
the colorful...
the unique....


     Painterly Photos

Houmas House in Darrow Louisiana has been used for movie sets many times
©1197 Waterfalls on a Louisiana Houmas Plantation
Heron statues on pond at Houmas House in Darrow Louisiana
©1196 Herons on a Louisiana Plantation    Houmas Mansion
Cherub statue on pond at Houmas House in Darrow Louisiana
©1198 Cherub on a Louisiana Plantation     Houmas Mansion
Blue Star Memorial Highway goes over this bridge from Louisiana to Mississippi
©1195 Bridges - Louisiana to Mississippi Battle of Vicksburg
Brown Pelicans in the morning sun at Black Bayou Pier in Hosston near Shreveport LA
©1193 Sun Rises on the Black Bayou  Pier - Hosston LA
Lake Providence with Cypress trees and alligator
©1194.12 Cypress Trees in Lake Providence, Louisiana
Cane River Cultural Crossroads (near Creole NP)
©1202 Cane River Cultural Crossroads (near CreoleNP)
Fan-like plant=Century Plant
©1201 The Louisiana Bayou
New Orleans (Century Plant)
Houmas House 1840 Greek Mansion representative of antebellum plantation house
©1203 Louisiana Plantation Darrow LA (by NewOrleans)
Steam Rising off the Black Bayou - near Shreveport Louisiana
©1190 Steam Rising on the
 Black Bayou - Hosston
Plantation Guard Dog - Watercolor
  ©1204 Plantation  Guard Dog, Darrow Louisiana
Two Watercolor Prints

On Italian Watercolor Paper Pattern

Frog statue in Plantation Scenic pond - watercolor
©1205 Frog on Elegant Pond, Darrow LA Painterly Photos
St Louis Cemetery, 1789, dignitaries (civil rights activist, voodoo priestess, wealthy sugar magnate, chess champion,pirate)
Fanciful Louisiana Panorama  Painterly Photo 
©1192  St Louis Cemetery - New Orleans
Housing dignitaries in crypts since 1789...
Louisiana Painterly Photos
35 foot tall ornate steel roses decorate Red River in Shreveport, LA
Fanciful Louisiana Painterly Photo
©1191 Roses of the Red River - Shreveport, LA

This Gallery is a painter's tour through Louisiana BEFORE the 2010 gulf oil spill.  Colorful, quaint, the very old and the very new...memorable images captured on canvas.

Steam rises on the Black Bayou and Cypress trees dance in the reflections of Lake Providence.  More than 100 lakes bathe Louisiana, offshoots of the Mississippi and Red River.  Brown Pelicans, Ducks, and pretty big turtles own the land and the waters, except where the alligator roams!

Cane River Creole National Historical Park, on the Cane River, is amidst the Sugar Plantations sporting their fineries of the 1800's including ponds, and statues of cherubs, dogs, frogs, herons and hand hewn waterfalls.

 New Orleans has roots in the 1700's leaving sights like the St Louis Cemetery - crypts of dignitaries from pirates to generals and, of course, there's the oldest section of town, the French Quarter.    Yes, Louisiana is the greatest wetland in "America" but also it is much much more!

Paul and Marilyn Peck
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P.O. Box 1333
Sherwood, Oregon

Copyright 2010
Strength in Perspective
All Rights Reserved

Last Updated 7-11-2023